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Our Samba Event Dates

Here is a list of our past and upcoming event dates.

We would love to see you there so come and say hi!


Sat 7th June, Race for Life, charity fun around Moor Park, Preston setting off about 10am

Sat 26th Apr, Walk in the Dark, charity walk setting off from Chorley Hospital at about 7.30pm

Wed 29th Jan, 2.45pm performance, Worldwise Spring Festival, UCLan Foster square, Preston



Sat 30th November, Mental Elf charity run at Worden Park, Leyland

Sat 5th October, Chorley Live

Sat 5th October, Preston Wellfest, Preston flag market

Sat 5th October, free workshop at Fun Palace at Lancashire Archives

Sun 29th September, Preston Arts Association finale, Lostock Hall

Sat 28th September, Preston Pride parade

Thu 26th September, UCLan Welcome Week

Sat 21st September, Lancashire Encounters torchlight parade

Sun 15th September, Walk With Lancashire Women, Cleveleys

Sat 14th September, Preston Arts Association festival

10th September, workshop for UCLan Nursing and Midwifery away day

27th July, The Lancashire Festival, Avenham & Miller Park

23rd July, Cleveleys lunch club workshop

20th July, Bispham Gala procession

13th July, Longton Live

8th July, MET launch, Blackpool Road, Ribbleton

6th July, Preston Mela, Moor Park

29th June, St Anne's parade

16th June, Lytham Classic Car Day in support of Rosemere Cancer Foundation

8th June, Coupe Green Primary School summer festival

8th June, Cancer Research UK Race for Life, Moor Park

22nd May, St Francis Catholic primary school workshop

11th May, Penwortham Live

27th April, Walk in the Dark for Rosemere Cancer Foundation, Chorley Hospital

2nd March, Kirkham Lantern Parade

22nd February, workshop for Ribble Ladies Circle (private event)



3rd December, Mental Elf, Witton Park, Blackburn

7th October, Chorley Live, Chorley Town Hall

4th October, UCLan Welcome Day

29th September, World Heart Day charity walk in Moor Park

23rd September, Preston Pride parade

16th September, Lancashire Encounters torchlight procession alongside Dance Syndrome

18th August, Ansdell Library samba workshop

22nd July, UCLan reunion event, University Square, Preston

15th July, Longton Live

8th July, St Anne's Carnival parade

5th July, UCLan LGBTQ+ mental health support event, Student Centre rooftop

27th June, UCLan conference, The Orchard Bar, Preston

17th June, Preston Mela, Preston flag market

13th June, Launch of Global Race Centre for Equality, UCLan, Preston

10th June, Longridge Field Day

6th June, Preston Jazz & Improvisation Festival, The Ferret, Preston

4th June, Tattoo Convention, Preston North End football ground

3rd June, Moonlight Walk, St Catherine's Hospice, Lostock Hall

3rd June, Preston Jazz & Improvisation Festival, Avenham Park, Preston

25th May, Preston Central Scouts

29th April, Blackpool Cup, Blackpool EZ morning and UCLan Sports Arena afternoon

8th April, Blackpool Cup, Blackpool EZ morning and UCLan Sports Arena afternoon

11th February, CSA Support Lancashire fundraiser, St Mary's Community Centre, Leyland

3rd February, St George Primary School workshop and performance

25th January, Chinese New Year, University Square, Preston



4th December, Mental Elf, Witton Park, Blackburn

8th October, Chorley Live, Chorley Town Hall

8th October, World Mental Health Day, Preston flag market

1st October, Freckleton Library, drumming workshop, open to anyone

24th September, Preston Pride, Preston flag market

17th September, Lancashire Encounters Torchlight Procession, Presto

11th September, UCLan Welcome Sunday

6th August, Liverpool Brazilica

6th August, The Larder open mic, Preston

6th August, Preston Moves, Preston flag market

23rd July, Making a Mark, Preston flag market

18th July, workshop at Fulwood and Cadley Primary School

16th July, Longton Live

16th July, Preston market as the Commonwealth baton passes though Preston

5th July, Charnley Fold Live, Charnley Fold Age Concern centre (invitation-only)

25th June, Lytham Club Day

19th June, Festival of Language and Culture, Mobile Event Tent, Preston

11th June, Longridge Field Day

5th June, Preston Mela Big Lunch at Avenham Park, 2pm

4th June, Parbold Street Festival, from 1pm

3rd June, Oxheys Mill Studios at The MET, Preston, from 12pm

1st June, wedding (private event)

24th May, Aziz Ibrahim Open Mic Takeover, Preston Jazz Festival, The Ferret

22nd May, Samba Funk Workshop, UCLan Media Factory

14th May, 9am, Penwortham Live, Penwortham Arts Centre

17th April, Blackpool Cup, UCLan Sports Arena

16th April, Blackpool Cup, Blackpool Enterprise Zone

2nd April, birthday party (private event)



10th December, Reclaim the Night march, Accrington

5th December, Mental Elf, Witton park, Blackburn

27th November, Kirkham Christmas market

9th October, Mental Health Day, Preston flag market

26th September, UCLan Welcome Sunday

4th September, Preston Mela

8th August, Unity Street Parties, Preston

31st July, Big Booby Do, Plungington Hotel, Preston

25th July, Preston Moves, Avenham Park

17th July, Making a Mark parade, Preston

3rd July, NHS rally, Chorley Hospital



22nd February, Preston Mardi Gras

9th February, Something for Everyone taster day, UCLan



3rd December, The Continental, Preston

30th November, Clitheroe Royal Grammar School

28th November, 53 Degrees, UCLan

20th October, Preston 10K run

5th October, Chorley Live

5th October, Ingol Library Fun Palace, Preston

15th September, Burnley College

31st August, Parbold Street Festival

18th July, Preston U3A

13th July, Liverpool Brazilica

6th July, Chorley hospital charity event

6th July, Preston Mela

26th June, Savick Library, Preston

23rd June, Preston Caribbean Carnival

22nd June, City of Sanctuary, Preston

15th June, Making a Mark parade, Preston

13th June, UCLan Degree Show

9th June, shaker making workshop, UCLan

2nd June, Something for Everyone taster day, UCLan

1st June, Preston Jazz and Improvisation Festival

25th May, Churchtown Children’s Festival

15th May, Fulwood Library

4th May, Larches & Savick Community Centre

24th April, Larches & Savick Community Centre

30th March, The Continental, Preston

20th March, UCLan Carnival

16th February, PNE stadium



12th December, Testbed, UCLan

11th November, Feast for Peace, Preston market

6th October, Chorley Live

25th September, Chinese moon celebration, Preston flag market

23rd September, Lancashire Encounters parade

5th September, Thempra social pedagogy conference, UCLan

2nd September, St Annes Kite Festival

1st September, Parbold Street Festival

14th July, Liverpool Brazilica

14th July, Preston Mela

30th June, Lancashire Science Festival, UCLan

16th June, People’s Festival, Preston

10th June, Preston Caribbean Carnival

9th June, Preston Jazz and Improvisation Festival

9th June, Making a Mark parade, Preston

26th May, Churchtown Children’s Festival

24th March, Standing Together Against Racism, Preston

24th February, Preston Market opening



9th December, Preston flag market

21st October, Hindu Temple, Preston

7th October, Chorley Live

30th September, People’s Festival, Preston flag market

22nd September, Student Union Freshers party

3rd September, St Annes Kite Festival

2nd September, Parbold Street Festival

23rd July, Blackpool Parade

22nd July, Lancashire Festival

15th July, Liverpool Brazilica

25th June, Preston Caribbean Carnival

10th May, Masonic Hall, Preston

6th May, Colour Run, UCLan

29th April, Ribble Valley Jazz Festival, Clitheroe

1st April, Preston Jam

30th March, In Touch mental health event

18th March, Standing Together Against Racism, Preston

5th February, Blackburn Winter Warmer



19th November, Jon Hardeman candomblé workshop, UCLan

8th October, Chorley Live

30th September, Preston Minster

25th September, Lancashire Encounters theatre performance, Preston

24th September, Lancashire Encounters Procession of Light, Preston

4th September, Parbold Street Festival

21st August, ADHD charity event, Bamber Bridge

31st July, St Annes Kite Festival

23rd July, Feast for Peace, Preston flag market

16th July, Liverpool Brazilica

2nd July, Harris Primary School

26th June, Windrush Festival, Preston

25th June, Newburgh Carnival

23rd June, PNE football ground

7th June, Accrington School

28th May, Churchtown Children’s Festival

21st May, Our Lady and St Gerards RCPS

6th May, 53 Degrees, UCLan

23rd April, Colour Run, UCLan

28th March, Avenham Park, Preston

1st March, Aerobathon, UCLan

7th February, Witton Park, Blackburn

30th January, The Attic



3rd December, Thempra social pedagogy conference, UCLan

2nd December, Winter Celebration pre-show, UCLan

26th November, UCLan Diversity conference social

11th November, Great Northern Creative Festival, UCLan

7th November, Hindu temple opening parade, Preston

20th October, Aerobathon, UCLan

3rd October, Chorley Live

27th September, Lancashire Encounters

23rd August, Four Elements of Summer, Preston

23rd July, St Annes Kite Festival

22nd July, Southshore Tennis Club

31st May, Friends of Ribbleton Library

24th May, Moor Park Run, Preston

23rd May, Churchtown Children’s Gala

16th May, Best of British

16th May, Source Bar, UCLan

25th April, UCLan Colour Run

6th April, Avenham Park egg rolling, Preston

28th March, Leyland Live

26th March, Preston cubs

25th March, Preston College

14th February, One Billion and Rising, Preston

8th February, Witton park, Blackburn



28th November, Inter-cultural show

23rd November, Lancashire Day

15th October, Preston Tringe

4th October, Chorley Live

28th September, Lancashire Police Open Day

27th September, Hutton

30th August, Preston Community Celebration Day

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